I laugh, I love, I hope, I try, I hurt, I need, I fear, I cry. And I know you do the same things too, So we're really not that different, me and you
From Colin Raye quotes
Im an aunt now. My brothers wife Tanja gave birth 2 a little baby boy who is called Sander ,today, Aug.20th at 3.25 pm. cool heh? just wait til i teach him all the little stupid things :):):):):):) fun..
went to six flags with some staff members on sunday. From left: Major Manhardt, Kelly, Martha, Me, Lacey, David, Jonathan and Israel.have more pictures somewhere about it but this is good too. had great time. well they say... Not to see elitch's is not to see Denver!!
Im Kristi and Im 22.. :) Im from Estonia.. (Yeah, like where is that??) anyways... im me and happy to be me, and i love being me and I love God :) and i love.. mhm.... my life ;) and im in Hawaii right now. working in The Salvation Army as a youth Director at Hilo Temple Corps