Friday, December 30, 2005

This picture was taken when we went to visit different hospitals here in Hilo just before christmas, we gave people salvation army blankets, socks and sang christmas songs for them to bring some christmas feeling to the people in the hospitals and share the gospel. the two women in the red salvation army shirts are part of the home league and woman by me is captain kelley, and the boy in the back is Miji, Lutchers son, and by him is Mike, the corps officer and Kelleys husband.. and the kids in front are the children of the lady with long hair on the left.. cant remember her name... :):):)
This picture was taken when we went to Honolulu this last monday, we just got back today. We went to the officers christmas party that was held at the salvation army camp. By left: Moriah, Mike, Miji, Danielle, Kelley and me!

Thursday, December 29, 2005

swimmin' in the ocean

went to swim in the ocean today in honololu. it was soo nice. never would of thought i would get to do that in states, especially in hawaii.. was soo nice..:)

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

staying in honolulu for few days...

hey guys. im in honolulu right now. got here today. its like a 40 minute flight from hilo. came to the officers chrismtas party... well even tho im not an officer.. but well its a good chance to meet all the officers here so they wanted me to come too. anyway.. the party is tomorrow but well be staying here til thursday. will ge tto do some shopping and go swim in the ocean right after christmas.. crazy i think. today it was like 85 degrees out... talked to my mom today, she said theres perfect snow in tallinn... mmm how badly i want to jump in the snow right now.. well i guess when id be there i would think id want to be on a beach.. so well either way is good. anyway, its nice to be here and i willl try to post some pictures later on too.

Friday, December 16, 2005

in hawaii now

hey guys. Well im here now. got here on wednesday. all my flights went ok. Slept most of the way over. just soo tired and well the time difference didnt help any either.. well hawaii is beautiful as you all can imagine. its different tho. this island im on anyway. An old community so, not many last fashion buildings like in tallinn or anywhere else, in big citys. there are big buildings in honolulu tho but thats on another island, like the second island from here. but its nice anyway. well i havet got to many places yet but ive been to some things.. like to the bank and postoffice and went to see a soccer game the first night here. The lutchers( hilo corps officers) have 3 kids, and the oldest daughter playes soccer and they had a game last night so we went to see it. The girls won. it was fun cause well i played soccer for 6 years myself.

The corps here is quite small, just like our Kopli. Its really sweet and the people here are nice too. Loads of volunteers here, and about the same amount of people working on payroll as in kopli again. so reminds me a lot of home. and kelley, the captain here, reminds me so much of you, susan! listening to her makes me feel like i listen to you:)

Ill post some pictures when i take more and get them on the computer too. I soon will have my own little office nad computer to work on, so then it will be easyer. Right now i just use a computer when its free.

Well like everywhere.. during christmas its crazy here. and well whats even crazyer is to have christmas when it is 25 celcius outside. and guess what? they people here say its kinda COLD outside... then again me.. I MISS SNOW SO MUCH! wish i could play a good snowfight.

Anyways, its 6.12 pm and im still at the corps. some things just dont change heh?

Miss you!

Friday, December 09, 2005

Lost big time ...congratz Phil,Derek and Jake

Umm yeah, i dont think i have to say much more, do i? well those who dont know yet, today was when i went to play pool with Phil,Derek, Jacob and Meg. It was me and Meg against the men and we played 4 games and lost all of them. yeah. not the best day. not like 2 YEARS AGO WHEN ME AND MEG WON!! But well, gotta know how to lose too, right! anyway, at least now phil has something to make fun of on sunday... and im sure he will... and by the way.. its my last sunday at my home corps for a while... gonna miss you all loads..



Friday, December 02, 2005

Today im having fun babysitting the wittenbergs kids.. :) its exactly 11 days left til i fly to states so im also trying to spend time with family and have to start packing soon too! and in the mean time i work and work... and work.. so im doing good! And hope you are too! :) anyway, gotta run and well i promise ill blog again soon! so dont forget to check back! :):):):):)