Wednesday, May 31, 2006

This week is really really busy. We are having our vbs(vacation bible school) this week from 3-6 pm daily and it takes so much energy and preparation,but I've got it pretty much taken care of as far as setting it up goes and the youth who are being awesome biblegroup teachers and everything else they do as far as program goes. We are doing the SonTreasure Island curriculum, and it is soo neat :) you can check it out online if you want :) ok commercial is over now :) we just had our first day today and we had 19 show up which was great for the first day, I already know about kids who are coming tomorrow who were not here today so that is just great. It was a fun time for all of us , even the staff. so keep this in your prayers ok? I took loads of pictures today and will post them here soon, haven't got them to the computer yet :)

im really tired so I think im gonna go.. this day has just been exhausting.. loads of running around, but has also been greatly blessed by God :) ill update you soon!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

just a really cool tree that can be found in various places in Hilo

Danielle and Mejee sitting on the hard lava(and me too but im taking the picture) and resting. it was soo dark outside and the flash of the camera hurt eyes so thats why it is a funny picture :) The sign up is one of the warning signs when we were getting closer to the lava and the edge of the cliff !

The National Park of Volcano is about 50 km of the town i live in!
The red light on the picture is flowing lava at night. and the other pictures are already hardened lawa few years ago that you can walk on when you go to see the lava flow. when we went there it was dark and there is miles of hardened lava we walked on. funny thing was that we only had 1 flashlight for 3 people so it was soo hard to see anything, but it was cool... the pictures of lava i took when i was the closest to it. we turned back because we got tired of walking and knowing that we had to walk all the way back too was just crazy so we just turned around!!! but it was still pretty close and the pictures are neat. the one picture that is taken when it wasnt dark yet is pretty much what the way to the lava looks like and what we walked on. Hard lava!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

keit has a blog now too :) it is she is just starting it but is doing a great job. and i love the picture she has on it righ tnow too:) shes pretty:) and the best sister in the world :) anyway, check her blog out!

Friday, May 05, 2006

I am going through the first week without physical therapy for a loong time. Seems really long anyway. It helped tho, so i dont have anything bad to say .. just glad it is over for now. i have a check up may 11 and i hope my back is fine now. im tired of going back and forth to doctors..

Other than that, just been busy working. VBS is coming up starting May 30th so im doing plannning for that and just trying to get things done for it + all the regular stuff thats going on..

i miss seasons. thats one thing ive been thinking about today. miss the spring time, do you know how boring it is when you wake up and every single day you know that it is warm outside, even when it rains...

anyway, so that was just a little update on me, maybe youve wondered why i havent blogged lately, but im still here, havent forgotten any one of you!