Sunday, May 15, 2005


its been over a month since my last blog.... :) :) :) sorry. well, i promise ill try better from now on. Well since the summer is getting closer, and im leaving in.. :) LESS THAN 2 WEEKS .. :) i most likely will start blogging more often, since i cant afford calling every1. so keep checking back... :)

well, tomorrow.. guess what?? i start my vacation.. mm i know some of you are laughing, because you know me better than this.. :):)but i do promise ill stay out of the office as much as possible.. well i gotta do a lot of packing.. since.. most likely my parents have to move my stuff out of my apartement while away.. and .. right now im just so so tired so i will just spend some quality time with my pillow and blanket next week for sure :):):):):):):):):):):) well, and if i wont then.. its a cool thought that i could :):)


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