Friday, December 16, 2005

in hawaii now

hey guys. Well im here now. got here on wednesday. all my flights went ok. Slept most of the way over. just soo tired and well the time difference didnt help any either.. well hawaii is beautiful as you all can imagine. its different tho. this island im on anyway. An old community so, not many last fashion buildings like in tallinn or anywhere else, in big citys. there are big buildings in honolulu tho but thats on another island, like the second island from here. but its nice anyway. well i havet got to many places yet but ive been to some things.. like to the bank and postoffice and went to see a soccer game the first night here. The lutchers( hilo corps officers) have 3 kids, and the oldest daughter playes soccer and they had a game last night so we went to see it. The girls won. it was fun cause well i played soccer for 6 years myself.

The corps here is quite small, just like our Kopli. Its really sweet and the people here are nice too. Loads of volunteers here, and about the same amount of people working on payroll as in kopli again. so reminds me a lot of home. and kelley, the captain here, reminds me so much of you, susan! listening to her makes me feel like i listen to you:)

Ill post some pictures when i take more and get them on the computer too. I soon will have my own little office nad computer to work on, so then it will be easyer. Right now i just use a computer when its free.

Well like everywhere.. during christmas its crazy here. and well whats even crazyer is to have christmas when it is 25 celcius outside. and guess what? they people here say its kinda COLD outside... then again me.. I MISS SNOW SO MUCH! wish i could play a good snowfight.

Anyways, its 6.12 pm and im still at the corps. some things just dont change heh?

Miss you!

1 comment:

Kapten Clark said...

Glad you made it there safely! Not to rub it in, but we had around 10 cm of fluffy, white snow here in Tartu.

Have fun adjusting to life there, and don't forget your friends back in Estonia!