Wednesday, April 19, 2006


pia said...

u really r a techno-Kristi;)

The Wittenbergs in Rovaniemi Finland said...

This is awesome Kristi, how did you do this? You are so smart and beautiful. Wow Susan

S.A Kristie said...
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S.A Kristie said...

Thanks you guys. its actually really easy to do. go to and sign up for free :) and it gives you steps how to make the slideshow and then it gives you instructions how to post it to blogger and other pages. just follow what it says after you are done with making the slides...but as you copy the code dont click on the button that is given there but rightclick and highlight the text and left click and copy and then do what it tells you to do. and it works.. if you cant figure it out let me know, it took me about an hour til i figured out the posting part because it didnt work when i clicked on the fast button, but if you just do it the otehr way as i told you it takes few minutes.....:) you should try it out. :)