Tuesday, January 31, 2006

:) ive had the permit for more than a week now but i still havent been behind the wheel yet here. funny heh. lifes going good tho. been having tough moments and good moments, so many new things to learn and adjust with. but God is good, and has blessed me in many ways and im so thankful to Him! thank you for praying for me:)


The Wittenbergs in Rovaniemi Finland said...

Hey Kristi, Staying up to date with your life by looking at your blog! What a strange world, and how fast things change...you are in Hawaii and we are in Philadelphia...just a couple of months ago we were all together. We miss you and love you! Phil and Susan

S.A Kristie said...

Miss you too! you are right, it is weird when i think that just some time ago we were all in Estonia and things have changed but the great thing is that friendship doesnt require being in the same city and country :)and i know that we are all listening to God and doing work for His glory :) and yes this blog thing is awesome, i keep checking yours too :)