Wednesday, January 18, 2006

pray for me!

im having a back problem, and its been hurting really bad the last week. im trying to get in to see a doctor in the next few days so keep me in your prayers that ill find out whats wrong soon.

Other than that im doing great.its been really nice here, ive taken pictures but havent been able to download them yet but when i will ill blog them here too..

im about to go and get my drivers licence soon so thats exciting:)


Kapten Clark said...

I'm glad you will be driving there and not here in Estonia :-0

Seriously, we will continue to keep you in prayer.

pia said...

hei, Kristi! Sa ei pruugi mind teada, aga mina Sind natukene nägupidi tean!:)
Ole õnnelik, et sa pole Eestis! Siin on kohati -29 kraadi külma.
Tahtsin veel öelda, et Sul on äge blog!
Jumal õnnistagu Sind!

PS! Kuna mul endalgi on suured seljavalud, siis mõistan Sind & palvetan Su eest!:)