Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Flying to Honolulu in about 5 hours. exciting yeah. will be there til saturday night for the HIM conference. HIM stands for Hawaiian Islands Ministries.... :P . im excited because there will be great worship music and great speakers too im sure. i cant really remember any names right now tho.... :) oh well, but ive heard great things about this conference so im excited :) it will just be awesome to get to hear about God more, and just to get to worship with other people and learn about Him.

My back is still hurting....i just went to physical therapy this morning.... and i still havent heard any results from the tests.. but hopefully soon.....

so anyway, this is a little update on things :)


pia said...

kell on veerand 5 öösel & ma tsillin arvuti taga & vaatan filmi. just wanted to let u know;)

pia said...

the day after the next day:D
kell on jälle veerand 5 öösel & ma tsillin siin. sain just referaadi valmis & leian, et kui tahan kell seitse ärkvel olla, siis pole mõtet magama minnagi.
& ma täiega sisendan endale, et sind huvitab see kõik:d
ps! kõik on sassis, sest eile keerati kella.;)

S.A Kristie said...

huvitab kyll mind mis sa teed. nii lahe on et sa viitsid kirjutada mis sa parasjagu teed :) t2nks. mul on t2na vaba p2ev. istun kontoris ja m6llan arvuti taga :)


pia said...

mul on kahju, et ma msnis ei sanud olla, kus sa netis möllasid. a usu või mitte - ma läksin kell 10 õhtul magama!:D ma pole aastaid nii vara läinud. jejee:D