Friday, March 03, 2006

Happy Birthday Keit!

Today is Keit' s 12th birthday! Loads of hugs! YOU ARE THE BEST SISTER EVER!


pia said...

jaah, selle tsiki rõõmsat nägu näen ma iga kord, kui päästekasse lähen;)ta on sama nunnu nagu ta õdegi!

S.A Kristie said...

:) heh, r22gitakse jah et me sarnased oleme.. derek vist ytles et nagu v2ike kristi :)

The Wittenbergs in Rovaniemi Finland said...

I just love that sister of yours. Happy Birthday to you Kate, I miss you and pray for you as you grow in your physical body and in your heart for Jesus.

Tiina said...

Sau kristi, Keit, sulle palju õnne tagant järgi! Saad nüüd ka minu blogi näha, kui tahtmist on!